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Find Your Vision
March 2022

Hello March!

As we enter the third month of the year, I’d like to reflect on last months’  progress and plan for a successful month ahead.
Readers, I want you to get out a piece of paper to jot down answers to the following questions:

Did I set goals for myself in January? If so, how did I do reaching those goals? If not, can I set one goal for the month of March? (Try to make it simple, yet measurable; for example, “I will get to Revive 4x/week for Pilates, Yoga, and The Salt Cave.”) How confident do I feel with my plan to reach my goals? When I don’t feel like working on my goal, what will push me forward? When I meet my goals, what will the reward be? How will I feel?

This month I want you to envision the best version of you.
The vision you have for yourself is possible, for you can do anything you put your mind to.

I find that when I have a plan, my vision comes to fruition more quickly. Readdressing and reassessing goals are important to successful goal attainment.

I’ll never give up on you, so don’t give up on yourself. REVIVE STUDIOS is open to help you with your vision, you just have to believe in yourself and your worth.

I hope you found this month’s blog intuitive and helpful. Be sure to let me know your thoughts.

With love & light,