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Revive Studios Indoor Cycling
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The Class

An hour to connect with the ultimate you. Dim lights, upbeat music, and a smooth ride set the pace for a vigorous workout.
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Stages Sprint Shift

On the Stages SC3 Indoor Bike is the Sprint Shift (AKA Quick Shift) . This is a knob on the bike that allows you to add resistance by rotating the knob clockwise. It adjust an "eddy current brake" it is two large magnets near the fly wheel which add and remove resistance from the fly wheel based on distance.
There is also a Sprint Shift Lever. This allows rapid adjustments of resistance. The levels are based on your resistance starting point. So once you set the resistance lever to the left you can turn it to the middle and then far right to add more and more resistance and then return to the far left position to recover.

The Bike

The bike used in class is the Stages SC3 Indoor Bike which has many features. It is the only bike that comes with a Stages Power meter and self-generating EcoSCRN display. 


The console is power generated by the rider. 
  • Generator located at the flywheel hub
  • Always-on backlight allows rider to see data in all types of room lighting and eliminates button-pushing during the ride
  • Rider sees Max, Average and Ride totals for the following metrics: Kilojoules (work), Kcal (calories), Watts, RPM, Speed, Heart Rate (if wearing a strap), Time, and Distance
  • Useful for comparing efforts, the rider gets stage, current, and average data, which is very powerful info for training efficiently and effectively
  • The STAGE button allows for up to 99 sections of time (laps). Data does not start to record or average during WARMUP stage (so total ride data is not skewed with poor warmup data)

    Information from